Through our curriculum we will help students to realise that mathematics is essential to everyday life; critical to science, technology and engineering; necessary for financial literacy and important in most forms of employment. As our students progress, we aim to ensure that they can reason mathematically, develop fluency in fundamental numeracy, solve increasingly complex problems and learn from their mistakes along the way.
Mathematics at Wade Deacon High School is delivered by a team of hard working, determined and passionate professionals who strive to develop not just students’ mathematical abilities but enjoyment of the subject. The mathematics department intend to develop the full potential and enhance the life chances of every student in our subject, catering for the needs of all individuals. It is our mission to ensure that every student experiences success and enjoyment in the subject, whether it be equipping them with sufficient mathematical skills for everyday life or providing them with a firm foundation for those wishing to pursue mathematics beyond secondary school.
We aspire for all our students to be effective mathematicians, providing them with the skills needed to solve problems and approach tasks in a logical order. The mathematics department encourage all pupils to have a growth mind-set and aim to build resilience and acceptance that struggle is often a necessary step in learning and solving problems. We hope that we can open our students’ eyes to the creative, imaginative and inspiring world of mathematics, equipping them to be numerate in multiple settings across society and able to flourish in a variety of fields.
Wade Deacon High School
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 423 2721