Target Setting & Progress Reports
Guide to Assessment and Reports in Key Stage 3
Learning Journey, Targets and Progression
The link below (Wade Deacon Learning Journey Visual) maps out the journey or route your child has been placed on however, this is simply a guide and subject to change based on each child’s achievements throughout the five years.As a school, we encourage all of our students to be aspirational; the routes indicated provide you with a benchmark of where your child is likely to be placed however, there are no limitations on your child’s achievements throughout their five year learning journey if they continue to work hard and listen to feedback from their teachers.
Guide to Assessment and Reports in Key Stage 4
In Years 10 and 11, we use prior attainment from Key Stage 2 scores to calculate each student’s Target Grades.For example, Students A and B (in the table below) have been given Year 11 GCSE Targets of a Grade 7 and a Grade 4 based on prior attainment from Key Stage 2.The Target Grade given in Year 10 will be one grade below the expected grade in Year 11. In Years 7 to 9, we work backwards from this Target Grade and place each student on a pathway or route that is relative to each child’s ability.
Progress Reports
In Years 7 and 8, your child will receive two reports per year. These reports will provide a full overview of where your child is currently working as well as providing an overview of the progress they are making. The final report will also include a detailed written comment from each student’s Personal Tutor. In Year 9, students will receive three reports per year.
In Years 7 to 9, students will receive a written comment that reports progress in words for each subject. This is especially important in Years 7 to 9 where the information reported will be heavily based on the ongoing learning in class (Mini-Assessment Points) so that knowledge and skills can be built upon over the five-year journey. In Years 7 to Year 9, reports will also include a description of knowledge, skills and understanding for each subject to provide further information on your child’s academic achievements.
In Years 10 and 11, assessment of key knowledge, skills and understanding that have been assessed will continue to be reported numerically and accompanied with a written comment to report progress in words. Three reports will be sent out for Y11 and Y10. The final report for Y10 will include a written comment from each student’s Personal Tutor.